We defeat piracy

Trusted by the biggest names in entertainment, offers truly secure video delivery for your pre-release content and role-based permissions, preventing piracy before it happens and making sure only the right eyes get to see it.

Secure video hosting platform - watermarked videoVideo Watermark
Secure video hosting platform
Create custom watermarks
Protect your files by burning in user-specific information

Make things personal

Take advantage of the most effective theft-deterrent measures available. offers SafeStream™ visible and forensic watermarking, so you know who has been watching your content. Tamper-resistant, and user-specific, our watermarks allow you to trace leaks to the source.

Visible watermarks clearly identify anything you share as yours through custom text and graphic elements like brands and logos, and help deter piracy. Invisible forensic watermarks act as tags that trace a video to the user who requested playback, making it possible to track down leaks. Also, apply Digital Rights Management (DRM) security features to ensure end-to-end protection of your intellectual property.

No one gets on your lot without a pass

Suspicious activity detection

Find out when unauthorized users attempt to view your content with our suspicious activity detection features.

Passwordless login & multi-factor authentication

Ensure that only specific users can access your content with our state-of-the-art passwordless login, multi-factor authentication, and private expiration-dated links. Generate one-time links that verify user identity and grant automated secure access to complete the login.

SOC-2, Type 2 certified security

Know your assets are safe with’s SOC 2 Type 2 certification that verifies our internal operations are as secure as yours. This high-level certification ensures that we have met third-party-verified standards for security, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

Single Device Streaming

Ensure your content won’t get leaked by restricting playback to only one device per session.

Woman on phone reviewing a screenerSecure video hosting platform - watermarking
I was hearing that reviewers were clamoring for, which makes sense, because they are the end users. Then I started to hear from my colleagues in publicity that they wanted this because their reviewers wanted it. When we started looking into it, I thought maybe there’s a chance that this might actually gain wide adoption and become close to an industry-wide platform, which is something that I’ve wanted for a while.
Al Perry

Al Perry

VP of intellectual property protection at AMC Networks

Stay vigilant

Learn more from the team about keeping your valued content secure while ensuring you get great reviews.

3 Common Behaviors That Endanger Your Pre-release Content

3 Common Behaviors That Endanger Your Pre-release Content

Most leaks can be prevented with a few simple measures. Find out how you can help trace the sequence of events by asking the right questions.
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Balancing User Experience and Security

Balancing User Experience and Security

See how moved AMC to the ideal screening solution that works well for everyone from press reviewers to PR teams.
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Turnkey Screening Rooms with Industry-Leading Security

Turnkey Screening Rooms with Industry-Leading Security

By providing turnkey, branded screening rooms protected with industry-leading security, offers the best of both worlds.
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Screen confidently

Find out why is the most secure virtual screening room